
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thirfting Up A Grumpy Mood

When: Tuesday, May 10

I started out Tuesday in not such a pleasant mood. I still wasn't feeling great but I did want to participate in Everybody Everywear's floral challenge for May. I chose this dress, that I thrifted, and matched it up with a pair of Capri pants so that I could be comfortable and warm since I was already in a bad mood. Then I chose the belt to accent my waist and from there I was stuck.

It is not warm enough here to just wear a sleeveless dress yet and I didn't want to just add a cardigan. So I came up with the idea to take a purple scrunch scarf and use it as a shawl. Initially, I liked the look of it when I had looked in the mirror but then, after seeing it in pictures, decided that it was too dressy for the outfit. I was trying to channel a 1960's vibe and the shawl scarf was throwing the whole look off. I have ditched the idea of using it with a casual outfit again, although I can see myself adding it to a dressier outfit in place of a cardigan which can be to casual.

I am posting the picture of the shawl scarf  today because my very dear friend Staci chose to also participate in the floral challenge. I think she did a terrific job! She is an amazing technology whiz and a huge supporter of my blog. She is also the main motivator behind me even starting this little project so I wanted to show her floral style as well.

It has been a couple of weeks since I had visited my local Goodwill store so I decided to quickly stop there to see if I could find anything that I liked. I was still feeling bummed out about my ASOS debacle so a little thrifting always helps my mood.

Well, I am going to stop there with discussing my trip because it was a HUGE success! I was on an instance high from all of my shopping fun. I cannot wait to feature all of the fabulous items that I picked up including 5 Ann Taylor items for $1 each! Take that British pounds! I ended up spending a tiny fraction of the cost of my ASOS order and walked away with 20 different items of clothing including a vintage Pendelton soft emerald green wool coat for next winter from the 1960's that only cost me $7.50. This lovely little jacket is another one of my new finds. I love how it looks with the outfit and adds just the right touch to completely change the entire look.

What started out as a major bummer of a day ended with me feeling fabulous and it was all due to thrifting!




P.S. Another bonus was finding this lovely tree. It was "raining" flower petals and smelled amazing. I have to say that I felt very ethereal walking across a blanket of pink petals.

Dress: (Tag is Missing) (Goodwill, $2)
Capri: Limited (Marshall's, $10)
Belt: Chico's (Gift from In Laws)
Jacket: (Goodwill, $2)
Heels: Guess (Marshall's, $29)


  1. i love the tweed jacket with the floral print, works much better than the scar/shawl
    so happy to hear you had such success on your thrifting outing

  2. How luck are you to find that "raining petals" tree? I loove the ribbon with the floral print. So whimsy. The tween jacket is a great idea too :) Adorable as always!




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