
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Up Against A Brick Wall

When: Wednesday, March 30

I am getting my family ready to leave for Miami, FL on Saturday and trying to pack everything and organize everything as me feeling like I am being held up to a brick wall so to speak. So I decided why not take my pictures in front of one. This brick wall was located conveniently on the side of my In Law's home who just happened to be taking care of my two little one's. So check, check brick wall, quick take the picture, everyone in the car, and off to get hair cuts. Phew..I'm ready for vacation.
The outfit inspiration came from a couple of different places. One is Westside Story. I love the dress styles in the movie. I came across this dress and had to have it. The, obvious, problem though is that it is sleeveless and I live in Michigan where it has been 20 degrees for most of the day. So I added the sweater over the top of the dress and turned the dress into a skirt and top look. I really love the bright spring colors of the outfit but I will also be ecstatic when I can wear the dress the way it was meant to be worn.




P.S. I used a broach as an accent for my belt. I simply slipped the belt part through the pin and tightened the belt as I usually would. Voila! Belt buckle with a little bling.

Dress: Nine West (Marshall's, $39, 2011)
Sweater: Mossimo (Target, $10, 2010)
Tights: Merona (Target, $5, 2010)
Heels: Mossimo (Target, $25, 2006)
Belt: Came With A Dress (Ann Taylor)
Broach: Came With Perfumed Powder (Victoria's Secret)
Purse: Dingel Wollen Company, Ireland(Gift from my sister and brother-in-law) (Not seen in outfit picture)


  1. Good mix of stripes and floral. Love the dress as a skirt. I once wore a skirt as a dress...keep calm and have a great vacation. Dawn Suitcase Vignettes

  2. Dawn,

    Thank you so much. I like the idea of wearing a skirt as a dress. Hmmm...new outfit ideas:) Thanks for the vacation wishes.


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