
Monday, October 10, 2011


Ava changed my alarm clock time by one hour.
Didn't notice Thursday night since I was so tired.
Woke up on Friday at my "normal" time
only it wasn't my normal time it was actually 
an hour later. I didn't realize this until I went
down to make coffee. Then all of the clocks
seemed to jump off the wall at me like in Alice In Wonderland
as I realized I was supposed to be at work in 10 minutes
and my hair and make up wouldn't be working it that day!

Oh, I made it to work with ten minutes to spare before I had to begin 
teaching and my teaching partner didn't even notice that I was missing.

It took me until second period to realize that it was also picture day.
Oh, joy, no makeup and no hair product makes for one terrific school picture.

Good News: 
It was Friday so I had the weekend to recoup:)

Hope your weekend was restorative as well!





  1. Love your shoes! Those are so fun with the black and white combo! You look fantastic as usual :)

  2. gotta love kids! you are pretty amazing for making it on time! and even without makeup/hair product, i'm sure you look beautiful!

  3. Ditto Style Journey- I LOVE your shoes. They are so pretty! I'm amazed that you were able to get ready so fast and still get to work with time to spare...I hope that your weekend did end up being restorative. I know mine was- although it's never long enough. Was your school open on Columbus Day, too?

  4. oh no! lol. well this is a terrific outfit and the leaves are just lovely! i was really into vests last year like this one, i have fleece ones but need a puffer vest too

  5. Maybe Ava was just trying to help you out--i did that to my mom once too, only mine was more like 2 hours not one. After much huffing and puffing, my mom forgave me.

    Seems to be a popular trend this year--forgetting school pictures. I used to remember when school pictures was THE DAY for any adolescent...but now that I'm on the other side of the classroom, it doesn't phase me as much. You look awesome as usual.

  6. Your shoes are amazing! I love how the color pops.

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  7. Oh no! This sounds awful! At least you have a good attitude about it all. I'm sure your pic turned out great, too. : )

  8. Oh my, what a crazy Friday. I can only imagine how you felt when you saw all the clocks while making your coffee!
    Well, the photos you have posted are fantastic, and the shoes are fun. Hope you enjoyed your weekend!

  9. That would completely throw my day off- I am very slow in the morning and usually snooze multiple times so I would have been super duper late! I love your sparkly flats and the autumn background is beautiful.

  10. great outfit, I like the pink sparkly shoes, very cute! This is the outfit you wore in a jiffy on friday? Wow, you're fast to put together a chic outfit in probably like less than 5 mins! ha...good job!


  11. Kinda crazy about those shoes..




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