
Sunday, July 10, 2011

I Am Honored

Pheobe of Paper Balloon Journal honored me by passing along to me the Versatile Blogger award. Pheobe is one of the first bloggers to post comments back to me. She taught me the value of building a relationship among fellow bloggers through commenting and emailing.

Thank you so much Pheobe!
When I first started this little baby of mine I had thoughts filled with potential fame and fortune. But as I continued through the process of blogging I have found a far greater joy in the relationships that I have been able to build. Blogging has allowed me to explore who I am on a level that I wasn't able to do before. I have always wanted to be more creative but didn't know where to focus my energy. Blogging has given me that outlet. I am really proud of myself for what I am accomplishing through blogging and I feel better about myself because of it.
I have more confidence in myself and have realized that I am fine just the way that I am.

So with that said here are the guidelines for the Versatile Blogger Award:1) Thank the blogger who awarded your the honor and link back to them in your post.
2) Share 7 things about yourself.
3) Award up to 15 recently discovered bloggers the award.
4) Contact them to tell them the good news!

Sharing 7 Details...

I am the mother of two.
Otto is turning 5 at the end of July and will be starting kindergarten in the fall.
Ava will be 3 and a half the middle of July.
As much as I adore them is as much as they always keep me on my toes.
Two children under the age of two was insane to say the least but now they are becoming more best friends than worst of enemies so life is getting easier.
Although that depends on the day;)

I have been teaching middle school age kids for the last 13 years.
My current position is as a Math, Science, and Social Studies teacher in the 6th grade.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my job!
I cannot think of another job that could inspire me as much as my students do.
I enjoy my time off but I honestly miss my students and always look forward to going back to work.
Whenever I think of my kids I get a light hearted feeling in my chest:)
They are a constant form of joy for me and I truly love each one of them even if they drive me nutty some days;)

Respect and showing that I value others are two traits that are very important to me.
I have a very difficult time with adults who are disrespectful or who do not show value to others.
I qualify this since I work with kids and kids can be disrespectful at times. I find though that it is easier for a child to understand the value of respect than it is for adults. I think this is because kids are disrespected by adults and are not show value as individuals. I can only assume that those tend to be the one's who grow to be adults who are disrespectful.

I used to be terrified to wear floral patterns, colors, or stripes.
That is until I started blogging.
Now I cannot get enough of all three.
My closet is completely transforming because of this little discovery.

My sister and I used to get mistaken for twins.
We are 22 months apart.
We hated being called twins when we were younger.
I think it was mostly because of sibling rivalry and wanting to have independent identities.
In college we used it to our advantage:)
We have had a lot of fun evenings playing the twin card.

My husband and I dated in high school.
The relationship was short lived and he became known as "the jerk".
Truthfully, he was never a jerk, just young and well so was I.
Fast forward:
7 years and I ran into him at a dance club/bar in Ann Arbor.
He was single and I was single and the rest is history.
We have been through A LOT of ups and downs, but we are committed to each other
and that is all the matters in life and love.

Outside of my sister, my closets friends are all named Stacey or Staci!
It is a unique coincidence, although they all have similar personality traits...loyalty, honesty, a devotion to their family, strong work ethic, and are all very creative.

I am awarding the Versatile Blogger award to:
All of these lovely ladies has influenced me in one way or another.
Besides looking forward to their posts I also look forward to the creative spin they put into their blog.
They are all chic, thrifty, and intelligent.

Kris, A Thrifty LA Life
Bug, A Bug and Bird

Megan and Nora, Two Birds
Shelly, GS Lillian Daily
Brett, Silvergirl


  1. you are so sweet! thanks so much. also, i love the story about you and your husband.

  2. Thanks for the kind words :) Tidbit #5 was interesting. I think I saw a picture of your sis on the blog before and I remember thinking the same thing!

  3. Aww, you're too sweet, thank you! Man, now I have to think of 7 really good things because yours were great! Love your love story too! :)




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